Welcome to The Early Pages!
What this is about... This blog is intended to increase the visibility of early-career researchers (ECRs) within the scientific community and to make their voices heard. The blog focuses on the scientific work, experiences, and opinions of researchers who are just starting their careers. ECRs from all fields of paleosciences* are encouraged to be involved in creating this blog, and everybody is invited to comment on existing posts and spread the word. ...and how it came to be The idea of creating an early-researchers group was born at the 3 rd Young Scientists Meeting of PAGES (Past Global Changes), a core project of Future Earth and scientific partner of the World Climate Research Programme . The Young Scientists Meeting took place in May 2017 in Morillo de Tou, Spain, and featured about 80 early-career researchers, lots of sun and wine, evening astronomy and folk-dance lessons, a few obligatory mosquitoes, and of course...